The distinctive license plates provided for in this subdivision shall be prepared by the Commissioner of Revenue and shall be issued through the judge of probate or license commissioner of the several counties of the state in like manner as are other motor vehicle license plates, and such officers shall be entitled to their regular fees for such service. Applicants for such distinctive plates shall present to the issuing official proof of their membership in a Shrine motorcycle club, corps or unit within the state by means of a certificate signed by the potentate of the Shrine Temple of such applicant, on forms prescribed by the Commissioner of Revenue. Such applicant shall pay to the issuing officer the regular license tax prescribed by law and an additional fee of $5.00. Upon such payment, the distinctive license plate shall be issued as is herein provided. The distinctive license plates herein provided for shall be issued for heavyweight or heavy-duty motorcycles only.
(Acts 1978, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 133, p. 1861, §2.)