After making such studies and examinations as may be necessary, the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall prescribe in writing the standards and requirements for the equipment and processes to be used to implement this article, and shall cause the State Purchasing Agent to solicit public bids based upon said standards and requirements, in conformity with the competitive bid law of the State of Alabama; except, that such contracts may be awarded for a period of a total of five years, instead of one year, and the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall, on behalf of the State of Alabama, enter into contracts with the lowest responsible bidders for such services and/or for the lease or purchase of such equipment as might be required for the efficient and economical operation of the system theretofore developed. In addition thereto, the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall require of the successful bidder a sufficient performance bond or written warranty to guarantee performance of the contract awarded, and sufficient to protect the interests of the State of Alabama and the licensees. All procurements and subsequent contracts for data processing equipment shall be coordinated with, and approved by, the data systems management division of the Alabama Department of Finance.
(Acts 1975, No. 539, p. 1192, §3.)