(a) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish an Alabama Veteran Tag Program to recognize certain veterans.
(b) The owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state and who is an eligible veteran pursuant to subsection (c) of this section may be issued a distinctive license tag pursuant to this division. The veteran shall make application to the judge of probate or commissioner of licenses, comply with state motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, pay the regular license fee for a tag as provided by law for a private passenger or pleasure motor vehicle, and pay an additional fee of three dollars ($3) for the initial issuance of the tag except a Vietnam veteran's tag. In the case of a Vietnam veteran's tag, the additional fee for the initial issuance of the tag shall be six dollars ($6), three dollars ($3) of which shall be distributed to the Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., Alabama State Council, to be used to assist Vietnam veterans. For each renewal year, an additional fee of three dollars ($3) shall be paid for the Vietnam's veteran tag. The additional fee of three dollars ($3) shall be distributed to the Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., Alabama State Council, to be used to assist Vietnam veterans.
(c) The distinctive license tags in the Alabama Veteran Tag Program shall include veterans of the United States Armed Forces exposed to dangerous levels of radiation due to the atomic bomb and weapon testing from 1944 to 1962, Vietnam veterans, Korean War veterans, World War II veterans, veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, and veterans of Desert Shield/Desert Storm, veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan. The distinctive tags shall be issued, printed, and processed in the same manner as other distinctive tags as provided in this chapter. The payment of the required motor vehicle license fees and taxes when required by this section for a year during which a new vehicle license plate is not issued shall be evidenced as provided in Section 32-6-63.
(d) The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Alabama State Council for the Vietnam veterans distinctive tag and the Department of Veterans' Affairs for the other distinctive veteran tags shall each respectively design or have designed the distinctive veteran tags, subject to approval by the Commissioner of Revenue and compliance with all laws and regulations. An applicant for a Vietnam veteran tag shall be a Vietnam era veteran and the local veteran's affairs officer in the county in which application is made for the distinctive tag shall certify all Vietnam veterans eligible for a Vietnam veteran distinctive tag. An applicant for other veteran distinctive tags shall be a veteran of the appropriate conflict or otherwise qualify for a veteran tag as authorized by this section, and shall be certified as eligible by the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
(e) The distinctive license tags shall not be transferable between motor vehicle owners and shall be subject to the same provisions of law related to the transferring of distinctive motor vehicle tags provided in Section 32-6-154 or as otherwise provided by law or regulation of the Department of Revenue.
(Acts 1993, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 93-880, p. 144, §1; Acts 1995, No. 95-528, p. 1072, §1; Act 2006-387, p. 987, §1; Act 2009-623, §1; Act 2009-639, §1.)