The net proceeds of the additional revenues derived from sales of the tags or plates, less administrative costs and the cost of production, shall be distributed by the judge of probate or license commissioner to the State Comptroller who shall distribute the proceeds as follows:
(1) Five dollars ($5) of the balance collected from the sale of each Freemason license tag or plate shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Penny Trust Fund, and the remaining balance shall be transmitted to the Freemasons, a portion of which may be distributed to the Alabama Masonic Home in Montgomery, Alabama, as determined by the Grand Lodge.
(2) Five dollars ($5) of the balance collected from the sale of each Scottish Rite license tag or plate shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Penny Trust Fund, and the remaining balance shall be transmitted to the Scottish Rite for use by the Scottish Rite Foundation of Alabama, Incorporated.
(3) Five dollars ($5) of the balance from the sale of each Eastern Star license tag or plate shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Penny Trust Fund, and the remaining balance shall be transmitted to the Eastern Star, a portion of which may be distributed to the Masonic Home in Montgomery, Alabama, as determined by the Grand Chapter of Eastern Star.
(4) The balance collected for the sale of each emergency medical technician license tag or plate shall be transmitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Penny Trust Fund.
(5) Twenty-five dollars ($25) of the balance collected from the sale of each Boy Scouts of America license tag or plate shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Penny Trust Fund, and the remaining balance shall be transmitted to the Alabama Boy Scouts Stewardship Education Committee in Anniston, Alabama. The committee shall distribute proper proportionate amounts to other Alabama Boy Scout councils.
(6) Twenty-five dollars ($25) of the balance collected from the sale of each Girl Scouts of America tag or plate shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Penny Trust Fund, and the remaining balance shall be transmitted to the South Central Alabama Girl Scouts Council in Montgomery, Alabama. The council shall distribute proper proportionate amounts to other Alabama Girl Scout councils.
(Acts 1997, No. 97-405, p. 661, §2.)