A driver's license shall not be issued to the following persons:
(1) Any person less than 16 years of age;
(2) Any person whose driving right or privilege is suspended;
(3) Any person whose driving right or privilege is revoked;
(4) Any person who is an habitual abuser of alcohol or drugs;
(5) Any person afflicted with or suffering from a physical or mental disability which, in the opinion of the Director of Public Safety or examining officer will prevent a person from exercising reasonable and ordinary control over a motor vehicle.
(Acts 1939, No. 181, p. 300; Code 1940, T. 36, §66; Acts 1945, No. 59, p. 59; Acts 1947, No. 628, p. 483; Acts 1996, No. 96-478, p. 594, §1.)