(a) If the department or the director determines that the proof of insurance submitted by a motor vehicle owner under Sections 32-7A-7, 32-7A-8, or 32-7A-9 is false, the department shall suspend the owner's vehicle registration. The department shall terminate the suspension six months after its effective date upon payment by the owner of a reinstatement fee of two hundred dollars ($200) in certified funds, and submission of proof of insurance as prescribed by the department.
(b) Upon a violation of this section, the owner's name and identifying information shall be provided to the director by the department, for the purpose of the director requiring the owner to purchase and maintain liability insurance pursuant to Section 32-7-13 or Section 32-7-31, or both, for a period of three years.
(c) All funds collected under this section shall be retained by the department for use in the administration of this chapter.
(Act 2000-554, p. 1005, §1.)