(a) The State of Alabama, acting through its agency, the Alabama State Port Authority, with the consent of the Governor, is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts, leases, compacts or any other form of agreement with the United States of America or any of its agencies, departments or bureaus, for the purpose of receiving or acquiring from the United States of America or any of its agencies, departments or bureaus, funds, matching funds, services, materials, supplies, buildings, structures, waterways, channels, water terminals, docking facilities and other benefits deemed for the public interest in the promotion of waterways and navigation in the State of Alabama.
(b) Such contracts, leases, compacts or other forms of agreement may contain such covenants and conditions as may be considered reasonable and necessary for public use only, including but not limited to, contributions by the state of lands, funds, dredged material disposal areas and necessary retaining dikes, rights-of-way, easements, buildings, terminals, docking facilities, alteration or relocation of roads, bridges and utilities, and related facilities for waterway and navigational improvement and expansion, and may contain such other provisions for maintenance and indemnification as may be required by the contracting agencies.
(c) The state, acting through its agency, the Alabama State Port Authority, is further authorized to regulate and promote the use, growth and development of any such project and the area surrounding the same, and shall have the right to make and enforce such rules and regulations regarding the use and maintenance of the waters adjacent to any such project.
(d) The state, acting through its agency, the Alabama State Port Authority, is further authorized and empowered, in acquiring real property for use in any such public project or program in which federal or federal-aid funds are used, to make all such relocation and other payments to or for displaced persons as are required under the provisions of Public Law No. 91-646, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, adopted by the United States Congress, and to provide such displaced persons with relocation services and make available to them replacement dwellings, as required by Public Law No. 91-646, and to follow and conform with the land acquisition policies set forth in the said Public Law No. 91-646, and to pay or reimburse owners of property so acquired in the manner specified in said Public Law No. 91-646.
(Acts 1975, No. 1089, p. 2157, §§ 1-4.)