(a) All employees and officers of the Alabama State Port Authority, except the director, executive level employees hired pursuant to Section 33-1-3, and those exempt under Section 36-26-10, shall be subject to the provisions of the state Merit System law with respect to the method of selection, classification, and compensation of state employees. Sections 33-1-5.1 and 33-1-5.2 shall apply to the director and the non-merit system executive level employees, including their spouses and dependents; however, nothing in Act 2000-598 shall be construed to alter or modify Sections 33-1-5.1 and 33-1-5.2.
(b) Persons employed by the Alabama State Docks Department on August 1, 2000, shall continue to have precisely the same rights and benefits as they now have under the Merit System and under the State Employees' Retirement System and all other benefits that they had on August 1, 2000.
(c) The Alabama State Port Authority may employ port police officers at the Port of Mobile, who shall be employed pursuant to the state Merit System. Port police officers employed pursuant to this subsection are constituted peace officers of the State of Alabama with full police power and jurisdiction to enforce the laws of the state and the rules and regulations which may be promulgated by the port authority on property owned by or otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Alabama State Port Authority and the approaches thereto. Port police officers shall meet the minimum standards for law enforcement officers provided by law.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the board of directors of the port authority shall have the authority to adopt and implement an employee compensation plan applicable to the director, the non-merit system executive level employees, and those employees employed pursuant to the state Merit System that provides for compensation to the employees solely out of funds of the Alabama State Port Authority in addition to any other compensation payable to any employees under existing law as an incentive for achieving goals specified by the plan. The employee compensation plan may compensate Merit System employees in excess of, and in addition to, the normal compensation received by the Merit System employee. The compensation plan shall complement the existing pay plan applicable to Merit System employees. Nothing in this section shall be construed to change, alter, diminish, or amend the state Merit System laws or regulations which shall continue to apply to all Merit System employees employed by the port authority.
(Acts 1955, No. 103, p. 345, §6; Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 302, p. 2362, §2; Act 2000-458, p. 857, §1; Act 2000-598, p. 1199, §2; Act 2007-384, p. 766, §1.)