(a) In order to benefit and protect the public, no person in either public or private capacity shall practice or offer to practice forestry, unless he or she has submitted evidence that he or she is qualified so to practice and is registered by the board as hereinafter provided or unless he or she is specifically exempted from registration under this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice or offer to practice in this state forestry, as defined by this chapter, or to use in connection with his or her name or otherwise assume, use, or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he or she is a registered forester, unless duly registered or exempt from registration under this chapter.
(b) This chapter shall not be construed to prevent or to affect:
(1) The practice of any other legally recognized profession or trade.
(2) The application of forestry principles and procedures on any timberlands, woodlands, or forest in which any person, firm, partnership, or corporation owns an interest; or persons, firms, partnerships, and corporations having the right to manage and administer forestlands in any legal manner.
(3) The work of an employee or a subordinate of any registered forester holding a license under this chapter; provided, that such work is done under the direction, supervision, and responsibility of a person holding a license under this chapter.
(4) The practice of forestry by officers and employees of the United States government on federally owned lands.
(5) The practice of forestry by officers and employees of the State of Alabama on state-owned lands.
(6) Employees of the federal government and educational institutions of the State of Alabama who, in the exercise of their assigned duties, conduct forestry education programs or provide free forestry advice and assistance to timberland owners, or both.
(Acts 1957, No. 533, p. 750, §1; Acts 1969, No. 1051, p. 1965, §1; Acts 1973, No. 1202, p. 2020, §1; Act 98-145, p. 223, §3.)Practice Areas: Criminal