The secretary of the board shall receive and account for all moneys derived under the provisions of this chapter and shall pay the same monthly to the State Treasurer, who shall keep such moneys in a separate fund to be known as the "Professional Foresters Fund." Such fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other moneys in the treasury and shall be paid out only by warrant of the Comptroller upon the State Treasurer, upon itemized vouchers approved by the chairman and attested by the secretary of the board. All moneys in the Professional Foresters Fund are hereby specifically appropriated for the use of the board. The secretary of the board, its office manager or other designated officer of the board who handles funds shall give surety bond to the state in such sum as the board may determine. The premium on said bond shall be regarded as a proper and necessary expense of the board and shall be paid from the Professional Foresters Fund.
The board may employ such clerical and other assistants as are necessary for the proper performance of its work, or, in lieu of employing clerical assistants, the board may contract with any state department or agency to furnish the board with such clerical assistance as the board deems necessary. The compensation of such assistants or the cost of contracting for such clerical assistance shall be paid out of the Professional Foresters Fund in the manner prescribed herein.
The board is authorized to accept all gifts, bequests and donations from any source whatsoever, and such gifts, bequests and donations shall be used or expended in accordance with their terms or stipulations, but in the absence of any such terms or stipulations, such gifts, bequests or donations may be used or expended for such purposes as the board may determine.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the board may make expenditures for any purpose which, in the opinion of the board, is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of its duties under the provisions of this chapter, including the expenses of the board's delegates to any annual conventions of, and membership dues to, the Society of American Foresters; provided, that under no circumstances shall the total amount of warrants issued by the Comptroller in payment of the expenses and compensation provided for by this chapter exceed the amount of the examination and registration fees, license fees, donations and other moneys collected by the board as herein provided.
(Acts 1957, No. 533, p. 750, §9; Acts 1986, No. 86-117, p. 138, §3.)