(a) Every manufacturer, bottler, packer, repackager, or wholesale drug distributor, of drugs, medicines, chemicals, or poisons for medicinal purposes shall register biennially with the board by application for a permit on a form furnished by the board and accompanied by a fee to be determined by the board as follows:
(1) The fee shall not be less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for a new establishment.
(2) The fee shall not be less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a renewal permit.
(3) The fee shall not be less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a permit due to transfer of ownership.
(b) A holder of a permit shall employ a full-time licensed pharmacist whose principal duty shall be confined to on-premise pharmaceutical operations. Wholesale drug distributors, who strictly limit their operation to distribution of drugs, medicines, chemicals, or poisons for medicinal purposes are exempt from the requirement to employ a full-time licensed pharmacist.
(c) The professional practice of any physician licensed to practice medicine is exempt from the requirements of this section.
(d) All permits issued under this section shall become due on October 31 and shall become null and void on December 31 of even-numbered years. Each application for the renewal of the permit shall be made on or before December 31 of even-numbered years. A penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each overdue month shall be assessed in addition to the permit fee for renewal of delinquent permits. For each application for a permit made and found to be satisfactory by the board, the secretary of the board shall issue to the applicant a permit for such manufacturing or wholesale establishment, which permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous place.
(e) All holders of a permit shall, before shipping any drug bearing the legend, "caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription" or similar wording causing these drugs to be known as legend drugs to new customers, assure themselves that the recipient is either a duly licensed doctor of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine or holds a registered pharmacy permit from the board by contacting the office of the board. No holder of a permit shall ship any legend drug to any person or firm after receiving written notice from the board that the person or firm no longer holds a registered pharmacy permit. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Acts 1966, Ex. Sess., No. 205, p. 231, §24; Acts 1985, No. 85-702, p. 1151, §1; Acts 1991, No. 91-475, p. 860, §1; Act 2004-450, p. 801, §1.)