For the purpose of carrying out the objectives of this chapter and for the exercise of the powers herein granted, the board shall have power to direct the disbursement of the fund created by Section 34-3-4, which shall be paid on warrant of the state Comptroller upon certificate or voucher of the secretary of the Board of Commissioners, approved by the president or vice-president of the Board of Commissioners.
No member of the board shall receive any compensation for his service as such board member other than actual necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties.
No funds shall be withdrawn or expended except as budgeted and allotted according to the provisions of Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41 of this code, and only in amounts as stipulated in the general appropriation bill.
(Acts 1923, No. 133, p. 100, § 13; Code 1923, §6282; Code 1940, T. 46, §32; Acts 1951, No. 827, p. 1459, § 1.)