Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or joint venture desiring to engage in the business of fire protection sprinkler contractor shall submit to the State Fire Marshal on standard forms provided by the State Fire Marshal a completed application. The applicant shall include a fee of $100.00 when making the application. The applicant shall designate in the application the name of the proposed certificate holder and provide written proof that such individual has passed a competency test administered by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technology (NICET) as a Fire Protection Layout Technician - Level III. A copy of the NICET letter of notification that the proposed certificate holder has passed the competency test shall be sufficient written proof. The State Fire Marshal, shall issue, upon receipt of the application and fee, a State Fire Marshal's Permit to a fire protection sprinkler contractor who has a current State Fire Marshal's Permit, or who produces evidence of having a current state permit from another state, if such state shall have entered into an agreement of reciprocity with the State of Alabama.
(Acts 1982, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 82-774, p. 271, §4; Acts 1984, No. 84-250, p. 399, §1; Acts 1988, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 88-919, p. 515, §1.)