There is hereby established a separate special revenue trust fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Alabama State Board of Examiners for Dietetics/Nutrition Practice Fund. All receipts collected by the board under the provisions of this chapter are to be deposited in this fund and used only to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Such receipts shall be disbursed only by warrant of the state Comptroller upon the State Treasurer, upon itemized vouchers approved by the chairman of the board; provided that no funds shall be withdrawn or expended except as budgeted and allotted according to the provisions of Sections 41-4-80 through 41-4-96 and 41-19-1 through 41-19-12 and only in amounts as stipulated in the general appropriations bill or other appropriation bills.
(Acts 1989, No. 89-866, p. 1733, §8.)