The board may revoke or suspend any certificate if obtained through concealment, misstatement or misrepresentation of any material fact in the application for such certificate, or for a willful violation of any law or ordinance pertaining to the business of the holder of such certificates. Before a certificate may be revoked, the holder thereof shall have notice in writing, enumerating the charges against him, and be entitled to a hearing by the board not sooner than five days from receipt of notice. The holder of such certificate shall be given an opportunity to present testimony, oral or written, and right of cross-examination and representation by counsel. All testimony shall be given under oath. The board shall have power to administer oaths, issue subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses.
The decision of the board shall be based on the evidence produced at the hearing and made a part of the record thereof. The person whose certificate has been revoked shall not be permitted to apply for a license for one year from the date of revocation.
Hearings shall be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the board. Said hearing officer may be a board member, the executive director or such other person as the board may deem fit and proper to hold such hearing. The testimony adduced at said hearing, along with all other proceedings, shall be taken down by a competent stenographer and shall be preserved as a record of the board and shall be open to the public inspection at all reasonable times. A copy of said record so adduced shall be furnished to each member of the board, and no license shall be revoked unless a majority of the board members concur with the revocation of same.
No annual certificate shall be issued to any certificate holder whose certificate shall have been revoked by the board after such hearing until one year from and after the date of such revocation unless the certificate holder whose certificate shall have been so revoked shall enter into a bond with good and sufficient surety in the penal sum of $1,000 to faithfully comply with the provisions of this chapter and of all rules and regulations and codes adopted by the board, provided, however, that such certificate holder whose certificate shall be so revoked may within five days after such revocation appeal from the board's decision or revocation to the circuit court of the county in which said certificate holder resides, does business or is employed.
(Acts 1987, No. 87-812, p. 1616, §12; Acts 1989, No. 89-406, p. 858, §3; Acts 1992, No. 92-182, p. 340, §3.)