(a) The board shall administer, coordinate, and enforce this chapter.
(b) The board shall, within 90 days of the time at which it is appointed, notify all current practitioners of occupational therapy in the state, as identified by the American Occupational Therapy Certification Board, of the enactment of this chapter and its otherwise becoming a law.
(c) The board shall adopt and publish rules and regulations relating to the professional conduct to carry out the policies of this chapter, including but not limited to regulations relating to professional licensure, registration, and the establishment of ethical standards of practice. The State Board of Medical Examiners and the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy must jointly approve any rule, regulation or policy that interprets, explains, or enumerates the permissible acts, functions, or services rendered by an occupational therapist, occupational therapy assistant, or occupational therapy aide as those acts, functions, and services are defined in Section 34-39-3. Any rule, regulation, or policy adopted in violation of this requirement is invalid.
(d) The board shall evaluate the qualifications of all applicants for licensure under this chapter and shall maintain a register of all persons holding a license and a record of all inspections made.
(e) The board shall approve all examinations of applicants for licensure at least twice a year, shall determine the qualifications and authorize the issuance of licenses to qualified occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, and shall renew, suspend, or revoke the licenses in the manner provided.
(f) The board may investigate complaints and allegations concerning the violation of this chapter and may examine witnesses, issue subpoenas, and administer oaths in connection with these investigations. Hearings may be conducted, provided reasonable public notice is given and records and minutes are kept in accordance with the rules and regulations of the board.
(g) The board shall make an annual report to the Governor which shall contain an account of duties performed, actions taken, and appropriate recommendations.
(h) The board shall establish a budget in accordance with the requirements of the state.
(i) The board may establish and publish reasonable fees as established in Section 34-39-14.
(j) The board may employ and discharge an executive secretary and any officers and employees as may be necessary, and shall determine their duties and fix their compensation in accordance with applicable state statutes.
(Acts 1990, No. 90-383, p. 515, §7; Acts 1995, No. 95-279, p. 502, §3.)