Any blacksmith, woodworkman or other mechanic who contributes his labor and material, or either, to the production, manufacture or repair of any vehicle, implement, machine or article of any kind, shall have a lien thereon in the hands of any person for whom such vehicle, implement, machine or article was made or repaired, or to whom sold, and in the hands of any purchaser with notice of such lien, for the agreed price, or the value if no price was agreed upon, of the labor and material, or either, contributed to the production, manufacture or repair of the same. Said lien shall be subordinate to any security interest under the Uniform Commercial Code in such vehicle, implement, machine or article, which security interest was perfected prior to the time said labor or material was contributed, unless the secured party holding said security interest authorized the contribution of said labor or material.
(Code 1876, §3462; Code 1886, §3049; Code 1896, §2753; Code 1907, §4785; Code 1923, §8863; Code 1940, T. 33, §25; Acts 1965, No. 549, p. 811.)