The lien of keepers of hotels, inns, boarding houses and restaurants on the goods and personal baggage of their guests and boarders may be enforced by a seizure and sale of such goods and baggage in the manner provided by law. If the charges, when due, are not paid within 10 days after demand therefor, such hotel, inn, boarding house or restaurant keeper may, on giving 10 days' notice of the time and place of such sale, by advertisement, by one insertion in some newspaper published in the county in which the hotel, inn, boarding house or restaurant is located, or, if there be no such paper, by posting the notice in a conspicuous place in the lobby of such hotel, inn, boarding house or restaurant, and in one other public place in the county, sell such goods and baggage to the highest bidder, and apply the proceeds to the payment of the charges for and expense of keeping such goods and baggage, and of the sale thereof, and to the satisfaction, in whole or in part, as the case may be, of said lien, and the balance, if any there be, shall be paid over to the owner on demand. The demand herein first provided for may be made in person, or by letter or writing, duly stamped, addressed and mailed to such owner, to his address, if known to such keeper, or to the address appearing on the register of such hotel, inn, boarding house or restaurant.
(Code 1907, §4828; Acts 1915, No. 194, p. 265; Code 1923, §8934; Code 1940, T. 33, §30.)