Every owner of a cotton gin, peanut machine or picker, or hay baling machine or press, or plant for drying or processing planting seeds, shall have a lien on the commodity processed thereby for the toll or charge of such processing, under any contract with the owner of the commodity, whether the toll or charge for such processing be expressed or implied. Such liens shall have priority over all other liens, mortgages or encumbrances, whether existing or not at the time of the commencement of such processing or work, except the lien of a landlord as provided for in section 35-9-30. The processor shall have the right to hold the processed commodity until the full amount of the toll or charge has been paid; and should the commodity be removed without knowledge and consent of the processor, the lien herein declared shall follow the commodity.
(Code 1896, §2788; Code 1907, §4822; Acts 1923, No. 397, p. 554; Code 1923, §§8914, 8924, 8931; Code 1940, T. 33, §69; Acts 1953, No. 232, p. 298.)