The owner of every stallion, jack, bull, ram, he-goat or boar, who keeps it for profit and charges a price for the service thereof, shall have a lien, for the amount of the stipulated price thereof, on any mare, jenny, cow, ewe, she-goat or sow, to which such stallion, jack, bull, ram, he-goat or boar is put, and also on the colt, calf, lambs, kids or pigs born next after such service or contract therefor, and such lien shall be paramount to, and have precedence over, all other liens on the colt, calf, lambs, kids or pigs born next after such service, and within the proper period of gestation.
(Code 1876, §3496; Code 1886, §3091; Code 1896, §2776; Code 1907, §4810; Code 1923, §8897; Code 1940, T. 33, §75.)