Unless the context thereof clearly indicates to the contrary, as used in this article the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) OWNER. Any public or private organization of any character, including a partnership, corporation, association, any individual, or any federal, State or local political subdivision or any agency of any of the foregoing having a legal right of possession of outdoor recreational land. For the purpose of this article, an employee or agent of the owner, but not an independent contractor while conducting activities upon the outdoor recreational land, is deemed to be an owner.
(2) OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL LAND. Land and water, as well as buildings, structures, machinery and other such appurtenances used for or susceptible of recreational use.
(3) RECREATIONAL USE or RECREATIONAL PURPOSE. Participation in or viewing of activities including, but not limited to, hunting, fishing, water sports, aerial sports, hiking, camping, picnicking, winter sports, animal or vehicular riding, or visiting, viewing or enjoying historical, archeological, scenic or scientific sites, and any related activity.
(4) PERSON. Any individual, regardless of age, maturity, or experience.
(5) COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL USE. Any use of land for the purpose of receiving consideration for opening such land to recreational use where such use or activity is profit-motivated. Consideration does not include any benefits provided by law in accordance with this article, any other state or federal law, or in the form of good will for permitting recreational use as stated in this article; nor does consideration include a charge by the landowner for maintenance fees where the primary use of the land is for other than public recreational purposes.
(Acts 1981, No. 81-825, p. 1468, §2.)