(a) The commissioner of conservation and natural resources by and with the approval of the governor may lease the salt springs and lands granted to the state under the second clause of the sixth section of the act of congress of March 2, 1819, to the best advantage, in conformity with the provisions of the grant or any amendment thereto, and may sell the timber on said lands or any part thereof whenever he shall deem it to the best interest of the state to do so.
(b) The commissioner of conservation and natural resources, by and with the approval of the governor, on behalf of the state, is hereby authorized to lease upon such terms as he may approve, the lands granted to the state under the second clause of the sixth section of the act of congress of March 2, 1819, or any right or interest therein for the purpose of exploring for and mining or producing therefrom oil, gas or other minerals.
(c) If oil, gas or other minerals or products are mined, produced or taken from any of the lands mentioned in subsection (a) hereof, the state's share of such production which may accrue to it under the terms of the leases authorized in this article may be taken in kind and sold on such terms as the commissioner of conservation and natural resources may deem to be to the best interest of the state, which delivery in kind and sale shall be approved in writing by the governor.
(Code 1852, §549; Code 1867, §621; Code 1876, §526; Code 1886, §639; Code 1896, §2695; Code 1907, §883; Acts 1919, No. 28, p. 29; Code 1923, §1494; Code 1940, T. 47, §50; Acts 1945, No. 223, p. 348.)