When any department of the state, having power and authority to obtain and negotiate a sale of any lands claimed or owned by the state, shall certify to the governor that such sale has been obtained and negotiated, that all requirements of law with respect to such sale have been complied with and such sale is concurred in by the governor, the governor may cause a patent to issue under the seal of the state, signed by the governor and attested by the secretary of state, conveying such property. The recitals contained in said conveyance shall be conclusive evidence that all requirements for the issuance thereof have been complied with.
(Code 1852, §1350; Code 1867, §1620; Code 1876, §2228; Code 1886, §1875; Code 1896, §2699; Code 1907, §888; Code 1923, §1498; Code 1940, T. 47, §57.)