All loans in writing, wills, or conveyances creating estates in personal property, on condition, in reversion or remainder, or in which the use is separated from the right, other than the conveyances hereinabove in this division specified and other than leases (including, without limitation, leases under the Uniform Commercial Code) and security agreements under the Uniform Commercial Code, and under which possession is suffered to remain for three years with the party entitled to the estate or use, vest an absolute estate in the person so having possession for such number of years as to creditors and purchaser of such person unless such loan, will, or conveyance is recorded within such time in the county where such property is; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed as applying to any lease (including, without limitation, leases under the Uniform Commercial Code) or to any security interest or security agreement under the Uniform Commercial Code.
(Code 1852, §1294; Code 1867, §1564; Code 1876, §2173; Code 1886, §1817; Code 1896, §1012; Code 1907, §3389; Code 1923, §6893; Code 1940, T. 47, §126; Acts 1965, No. 549, p. 811; Acts 1992, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 92-700, p. 92, §605.)