If the crops are ordered sold, the judge of probate must forthwith issue a writ, directed to the sheriff, commanding him to sell such crops for division, at a place to be designated in the decree and writ; and thereupon the sheriff must proceed to advertise and sell such crops at the place designated, in the same manner as he is required to advertise and sell personal property under execution issuing from the circuit court; and after making the sale, he shall forthwith make due return, and pay over the proceeds thereof to the judge of probate, who shall distribute the same among the parties according to their respective interests. If a forthcoming bond has not been executed under section 35-6-114 and the sheriff is not in possession of the crops, he shall seize the same for the purpose of making a sale thereof, if in the hands of any of the parties to the proceedings.
(Code 1876, §3526; Code 1886, §3270; Code 1896, §3195; Code 1907, §5241; Code 1923, §9345; Code 1940, T. 47, §238.)