The Alabama Chemical Testing Training and Equipment Advisory Board shall develop, and if appropriate, periodically revise, a recommended list of priorities and criteria for disbursement of monies in the Alabama Chemical Testing Training and Equipment Trust Fund. The advisory board shall provide its recommendations for disbursement, on an annual basis, to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Speaker of the House, Director of the Department of Forensic Sciences, Director of the Department of Public Safety, the Executive Director of the Alabama Chiefs of Police Association, the Executive Director of the Alabama Sheriffs' Association, the Executive Director of the Office of Prosecution Services, the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and to the Executive Secretary of the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Commission. Money in the fund shall be used only to administer the fund, to purchase and maintain chemical testing equipment for city, county, or state law enforcement agencies in this state, to provide training to law enforcement personnel of this state in the use of that chemical testing equipment, to pay the costs of the Implied Consent Unit in the Department of Public Safety, to pay the costs of the Implied Consent Program in the Department of Forensic Sciences, and to support the activities of the board.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-784, p. 1862, §5.)