In case the order of the circuit court is sustained or the appeal dismissed for any cause, if any party or parties fail to comply with the order as modified on appeal by the circuit court or Court of Civil Appeals as provided in this article and within the time fixed by said courts, the said court may cause such building or premises to be repaired, torn down, demolished, materials removed and all dangerous conditions remedied, as the case may be, at the expense of such party or parties; and, if such party or parties within 30 days thereafter fail, neglect or refuse to repay such officer the expense thereby incurred by him, such officer shall certify said expense to the Fire Marshal, and the Fire Marshal shall immediately pay said expense out of the Fire Marshal Fund.
(Acts 1919, No. 701, p. 1013, §8; Code 1923, §970; Code 1940, T. 55, §42.)