(a) The Governor of the State of Alabama shall be the ultimate authority for implementation of the ASECCC, including promulgation of administrative regulations and procedures not covered in this chapter.
(b) The campaign manager shall be selected by the LARC through a bid process and shall be responsible for managing and administering the local ASECCC, and for furnishing staff support to each LARC.
(c) The State Employee Campaign Steering Committee shall be responsible to the Governor and shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
(1) Be responsible for policy, oversight, and implementation of procedures pursuant to this chapter and notifying participating agencies of its rules and procedures pursuant to the administrative code.
(2) Arrange for publication of information about the annual federation and agency application process.
(3) On appeals from applicant federations and agencies, review and rule on decisions made by the LARC in accordance with the administrative code.
(4) Notify in writing each of the appeal federations and agencies of its acceptance or rejection and provide the reason for any rejection, and provide for a hearing process.
(d) The local agency review committee (LARC) shall be chaired by the director of one of the three largest state agencies in each geographic area, with at least two other state employees, selected by the chair, the number to be determined by the chair. Selection of the chair shall be approved by the State Employee Campaign Steering Committee. The LARC shall be responsible for the following:
(1) Selecting through a bid process the local campaign manager.
(2) Determining the boundaries of the local campaign community.
(3) Reviewing applications from federations and agencies electing to participate in the ASECCC and certify that the federation, each affiliated agency, and unaffiliated agencies meet the eligibility criteria set forth in Section 36-1A-5.
(4) Notifying in writing each of the applying local organizations of its acceptance or rejection and of its right to appeal.
(5) Assisting state coordinators in the actual solicitation of state employees in their respective communities.
(Acts 1991, No. 91-561, p. 1037, §4; Acts 1995, No. 95-694, p. 1510, §1.)