Notaries public are entitled to the following fees: The sum of $1.50 and necessary postage for all services rendered in connection with the protest of any bill of exchange for acceptance, or of any bill of exchange, promissory note, check or other writing for payment and shall not charge any other fees therefor; for any oath, certificate and seal taken under subdivision (1) of Section 36-20-5, $.50; for giving copies from register, $.20 for each 100 words; for each certificate and seal to such copy, $.25; and for giving any other certificate and affixing seal of office, $.50.
(Code 1852, §863; Code 1867, §1090; Code 1876, §5065; Code 1886, §1113; Code 1896, §3033; Code 1907, §5174; Code 1923, §9250; Code 1940, T. 40, §14.)