The municipal authorities of any municipality, when called upon to furnish such policemen and police officers, shall comply with the demands of the Governor in that behalf and shall send them under the instructions of the Governor to the locality where needed as specified in Section 36-21-20. All police officers and patrolmen, when called upon by the Governor or directed by the municipal authorities, shall obey the orders and directions of the Governor and of the municipal authorities and shall proceed to the place where their services are needed and required. Such police officers and patrolmen and any other persons the Governor may employ and authorize to act as peace officers in the particular emergency shall be deemed and treated as legal officers of the state and county where acting, shall be entitled to all the protections and privileges of legal officers and shall possess all the authority to make arrests and to do other things in the preservation of the peace and enforcing the laws as sheriffs may do under the existing laws of the state.
(Acts 1919, No. 170, p. 163, §1; Code 1923, §921; Code 1940, T. 55, §375.)