Any peace officer who becomes a member of the fund and who left his work as a peace officer and entered directly into the armed forces of the United States and who returned to work as a peace officer within six months after he ceased to serve in the armed forces shall receive prior service credit for such service in the armed forces, not to exceed five years.
Any member who, in the determination of the board, is a member in good standing of the fund and who is drafted directly into any branch of the armed forces of the United States from his work as a peace officer and does not withdraw his fees shall not be required to pay any fees to the fund during his period of service in the armed forces and shall receive membership service credit for such service in the armed forces, not to exceed five years; provided, that he shall return to work as a peace officer within six months after he ceased to serve in the armed forces.
(Acts 1969, No. 999, p. 1855, §15; Acts 1971, No. 1210, p. 2104, §15.)