It shall be the duty of the sheriff:
(1) To execute and return the process and orders of the courts of record of this state and of officers of competent authority with due diligence when delivered to him for that purpose, according to law.
(2) To attend upon the circuit courts and district courts held in his county when in session and the courts of probate, when required by the judge of probate, and to obey the lawful orders and directions of such courts.
(3) The sheriff of each county must, three days before each session of the circuit court in his county, render to the county treasury or custodian of county funds a statement in writing and on oath of the moneys received by him for the county, specifying the amount received in each case, from whom and pay the amount to the county treasurer or custodian of county funds.
(4) It shall be the duty of sheriffs in their respective counties, by themselves or deputies, to ferret out crime, to apprehend and arrest criminals and, insofar as within their power, to secure evidence of crimes in their counties and to present a report of the evidence so secured to the district attorney or assistant district attorney for the county.
(5) To perform such other duties as are or may be imposed by law.
(Code 1852, §690; Code 1867, §818; Code 1876, §730; Code 1886, §810; Code 1896, §3739; Code 1907, §5870; Acts 1909, No. 81, p. 107, §1; Code 1923, §10189; Code 1940, T. 54, §5.)