(a) Every lobbyist shall register by filing a form prescribed by the commission no later than January 31 of each year or within 10 days after the first undertaking requiring such registration. Each lobbyist, except public employees who are lobbyists, shall pay an annual fee of one hundred dollars ($100) on or before January 31 of each year or within 10 days of the first undertaking requiring such registration.
(b) The registration shall be in writing and shall contain the following information:
(1) The registrant's full name and business address.
(2) The registrant's normal business and address.
(3) The full name and address of the registrant's principal or principals.
(4) The listing of the categories of subject matters on which the registrant is to communicate directly with a member of the legislative body to influence legislation or legislative action.
(5) If a registrant's activity is done on behalf of the members of a group other than a corporation, a categorical disclosure of the number of persons of the group as follows: 1-5; 6-10; 11-25; over 25.
(6) A statement signed by each principal that he or she has read the registration, knows its contents and has authorized the registrant to be a lobbyist in his or her behalf as specified therein, and that no compensation will be paid to the registrant contingent upon passage or defeat of any legislative measure.
(c) A registrant shall file a supplemental registration indicating any substantial change or changes in the information contained in the prior registration within 10 days after the date of the change.
(Acts 1973, No. 1056, p. 1699, §19; Acts 1975, No. 130, p. 603, §1; Acts 1995, No. 95-194, p. 269, §1.)