The board shall maintain records in sufficient detail to accurately determine the total health insurance costs and the contributions toward health insurance premiums by employees and retirees separately, and in composite form. Not later than 90 days after the end of each fiscal year the board shall prepare a written report that contains a calculation of the total cost of health insurance premiums for such fiscal year and the amount of contributions by employees and retirees to the cost of such health insurance premiums and the cost of such coverage that shall be paid by the employer for the next fiscal year and the total savings to the state realized by the enactment of Act 2004-646, Act 2004-647, Act 2004-648, Act 2004-649, and Act 2004-650. Such report shall contain sufficient detail to determine the total cost of health insurance premiums for each class of employees or retirees and the amount of contributions by each class of employees or retirees. Such report shall be prepared or verified by an independent firm employed by the board with skill and experience in reporting for such matters.
(Act 2004-647, 1st Sp. Sess., p. 17, §2.)