(a) The board shall constitute a body corporate for the purposes of management of the plan. The board shall have all powers and privileges of a corporation and may enforce all existing rights and claims, and hold its cash and securities and other property in trust for the purpose for which received; provided, however, that as an instrumentality of the state, funded by the state, the board, their officers, and their employees shall be immune from suit to the same extent as the state, its agencies, officers, and employees; provided, however, nothing in this section shall be deemed to exclude the board from the State Ethics Law, Chapter 25 of this title.
(b) A legislative advisory committee is hereby established to be composed of three members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House and three members of the Senate appointed jointly by the Lieutenant Governor and the Senate President Pro Tempore. The function of the committee shall be to advise the board on matters including, but not limited to, cost containment and appropriations. Members of the committee shall be entitled to not more than regular interim committee compensation which shall be paid from funds appropriated to the Legislature.
(Act 2004-647, 1st Sp. Sess., p. 17, §2.)