The State Employees' Insurance Board shall consist of the members of the State Personnel Board, together with the Director of Finance, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama, two members who are regular employees of the state and two retirees covered under the State Employees' Health Insurance Plan who are receiving benefits from the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama. The present ex officio officers named shall constitute the membership of the board hereby created, and their successors in office, by virtue of assuming such office, shall succeed to membership on the board. The two state employee members of the board shall be elected at the regular election for officers of the Alabama State Employees' Association as follows:
At the expiration of the term of the existing state employee members of the board one state employee member of the board shall be elected for a two-year term and every four years thereafter, and the other state employee member of the board shall be elected for a four-year term, and every four years thereafter. Vacancies of the state employee members of the board shall be filled for the remainder of the term by special election of the Alabama State Employees' Association. The Chairman of the State Personnel Board shall serve as the Chairman of the State Employees' Insurance Board.
The retired members shall be elected in a statewide ballot conducted under the supervision and direction of the board under such rules and regulations as are necessary to insure that all eligible retirees are afforded the opportunity to vote.
The Board of Directors of the Alabama Retired State Employees' Association shall submit one nomination for each retired member position. The board shall determine the procedure for qualification of additional candidates which shall include but is not limited to the submission of a petition or petitions which shall include the signature of at least 50 eligible retirees. With the exception of the initial election, each position shall be for a term of four years. The initial terms shall be as follows:
(1) Retired member Place Number 1 for a period of two years beginning November 1, 1985.
(2) Retired member Place Number 2 for a period of four years beginning November 1, 1985.
Any vacancy in the office of either retired positions shall be filled for the remainder of that term by the board from a list of three eligible retired members submitted by the Board of Directors of the Alabama Retired State Employees' Association.
(Acts 1965, No. 833, p. 1564, §2; Acts 1971, No. 2392, p. 3816, §1; Acts 1983, No. 83-645, p. 1007, §1; Acts 1985, No. 85-642, p. 980, §1.)