The Alabama Firefighters' Personnel Standards and Education Commission/Alabama State Fire College-Shelton State Community College is hereby created and established. The commission shall consist of seven members, each of whom must be a qualified elector of the state who is over the age of 18 years. The Professional Firefighters Association of Alabama shall designate one member of the commission to serve for a term of four years; the Alabama Firemen's Association shall designate one member to serve for a term of four years; the State Fire Marshal or his designee shall serve as a member; and the Governor shall designate four members of the commission. The members appointed by the Governor shall each serve for terms of four years; provided, that the members first appointed by the Governor shall serve for terms of one, two, three and four years, respectively, as the Governor shall designate. The members may adopt bylaws to govern the organization of the commission, its meetings and activities; provided, that the bylaws shall not conflict with this chapter.
(Acts 1975, No. 863, p. 1701, §2; Acts 1980, No. 80-809, p. 1669, § 1; Acts 1988, No. 88-663, p. 1064, §2.)