(a) The Alabama Prescription Cost Initiative Board is created.
(b) The board shall consist of the following voting members: The executive director or chief staff person of the State Employees Insurance Board (SEIB) and the Public Education Employees Health Insurance Plan (PEEHIP), the Chair of the Board of Directors of SEIB, the Chair of the Board of Directors of PEEHIP, and the State Health Officer. The Director of the Medicaid Agency may serve in a nonvoting capacity.
(c) The board shall promulgate policies to implement this chapter and may hire an executive director and necessary staff to implement and administer this chapter with or without regard to the state Merit System.
(d) The board through its executive director may enter into agreements with a prescription drug buying group or manufacturer to negotiate price discounts or rebates on behalf of the board or any participating department or governmental entity.
(e) The board through its executive director may enter into agreements with, or affiliate with, a prescription drug buying group for centralized purchase and distribution of prescription drugs to retail pharmacies. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to the contrary, nothing herein shall require, nor be construed to require, any retail pharmacy to purchase prescription drugs from a central warehouse or central facility.
(f) The board shall make recommendations to public employee insurance programs, departments, and governmental entities for prescription formulary design.
(g) In conformity with the official policy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and its regulations, the reimportation of prescription drugs is expressly prohibited pursuant to this chapter.
(Act 2004-539, §3.)