There is hereby created the Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee on Retirees' Health Care. The committee shall be composed of 12 members as follows: The Chair of the House Government Appropriations Committee, the Chair of the House Education Appropriations Committee, the Chair of the House Rules Committee, the Chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation-Education Committee, the Chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation-General Fund Committee, the Chair of the Senate Rules Committee, two members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House, one member of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one member of the Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, one House member appointed by the Minority Leader in the House, and one Senate member appointed by the Minority Leader in the Senate. The function of the committee shall be to provide advice to the Trustees of the Alabama Retired State Employees' Health Care Trust and the Alabama Retired Education Employees' Health Care Trust on matters related to appropriations and funding of the trusts and the accomplishment of the intent of this chapter. Members of the committee shall be entitled to not more than regular interim committee compensation and shall be paid from funds appropriated to the Legislature.
(Act 2007-16, 1st Sp. Sess., p. 25, §10.)