Whenever the Public Service Commission shall make an order requiring the performance of any of the duties enumerated in Sections 37-2-110 and 37-2-111, notice thereof may be served on the person or corporation operating the railroad, by delivering a copy of such order, signed by the president of the Public Service Commission, to the president or other head thereof, secretary, cashier, station agent or any other agent thereof, which service may be executed by any member of the Public Service Commission, or the clerk thereof, or by any sheriff of the state; and a copy of such notice, with the service endorsed thereon, must be returned to the Public Service Commission and entered of record as a part of its proceedings. If such order be for the erection of sitting or waiting rooms, or privies or closets, the person or corporation operating the railroad is allowed 90 days after such service, or such further time as may be allowed by the Public Service Commission, in which to comply with such order; if for the erection of bulletin boards, a period of 30 days after such service shall be allowed.
(Code 1896, §3452; Code 1907, §5485; Code 1923, §9965; Code 1940, T. 48, §190.)