(a) Any company or corporation operating a railway may apply through one of its executive officers to the Governor to commission such number of its agents, servants or employees as said corporation shall designate to act as policemen for said corporation.
(b) The Governor, upon such application, may appoint such person, if he sees proper in his discretion to make any appointment, or so many of them as he may deem proper to be such policemen and shall issue to such person or persons so appointed a commission to act as such policemen.
(c) In addition, the Governor of this state may enter into agreement with the Governor of any other state empowering railroad police officers appointed and commissioned in either state to exercise their powers and authority, as defined in this title, in the other state.
(Acts 1911, No. 77, p. 36; Code 1923, §§9993, 9994; Code 1940, T. 48, §§214, 215; Acts 1975, No. 517, §1.)