If any transportation company, not having received things or property for carriage, shall issue or give a bill of lading, or receipt, as if such things or property had been received, the transportation company engaged in the business of keeping for shipment, or forwarding, shall issue a receipt for things or property, not having received them; or if any of such parties shall give or issue a second bill of lading, or receipt, the original being outstanding, not expressing in such second bill of lading or receipt that it is a duplicate, or shall surrender such things or property without receiving and cancelling the bill of lading or receipt issued therefor, or make partial delivery, without endorsing such partial delivery on such bill of lading or receipt, except as provided in Section 37-2-25, such transportation company is liable to any person injured thereby for all damages, immediate or consequential, therefrom resulting.
(Code 1886, §1179; Code 1896, §4223; Code 1907, §6136; Code 1923, §10495; Code 1940, T. 48, §137.)