When the tracks of two railroads cross each other at grade, engineers and conductors must cause the trains of which they are in charge to come to a full stop within 100 feet of such crossing and not to proceed until they know the way to be clear, the train on the railroad having the older right-of-way being entitled to cross first; but the provisions of this section shall not be applicable where crossings of such roads are regulated by interlocking crossing or derailing switches, or other safety appliances of like kind to prevent collisions at crossings, nor where a flagman or watchman is stationed at such crossings and such flagman or watchman signals that the trains may cross in safety.
(Code 1867, §1403; Code 1876, §1702; Code 1886, §1145; Code 1896, §3441; Code 1907, §5474; Code 1923, §9953; Code 1940, T. 48, §171.)