(a) It shall be the duty of every person or corporation operating a railroad in this state, before employing any person as train dispatcher, engineer, conductor, fireman, flagman, brakeman, trackman, or switchman to subject the applicant for employment to a thorough examination respecting his capacity to fill the position applied for, his moral character and reputation, his sobriety and previous record, his knowledge of the rules and regulations governing the employees of the railroad, the knowledge which may be necessary or proper for the skillful performance of his duties, and shall subject the applicant for employment to a thorough examination respecting his ability and capacity to see and distinguish objects and color, commonly called colorblind examination, and respecting his sense of hearing.
(b) The examination required in subsection (a) must be made by the superintendent of the road or by the master of trains, or master mechanic of the railroad, and shall be reduced to writing on blanks provided for that purpose. If the applicant shall be found qualified in all respects for the position, the approved application papers shall be filed in the office of the superintendent in this state, or if there be no such superintendent, then in the principal office of such railroad in this state. Such examination papers, when certified by the officer having custody of them, shall be evidence of their contents and of the fact of such examination without further proof.
(c) If the applicant, upon examination, shall be found competent and his examination papers are approved by the general manager or other chief executive officer, the superintendent, or other person selected by him to conduct such examination, shall issue without charge a license to the applicant to engage in the occupation about which he has been examined.
(Code 1896, §§3448-3450; Code 1907, §§5481-5483; Code 1923, §§9960-9962; Code 1940, T. 48, §§179-181.)