(a) All steamboats approaching, with the intention of passing through, any railroad drawbridge, when about three miles, and again when about two miles, and again when about one mile, and again when about half a mile therefrom, must give, as signals, three loud and distinct sounds of the whistle; and any steamboat attempting to go through such draw without giving such signals shall forfeit $500.00, one half to the informer, and the other half to the county or counties in which the bridge is situated.
(b) Any railroad company owning, or agent having supervision over, or management or control of, any such drawbridge, shall upon signal being given, as provided in subsection (a) of this section, proceed at once to open, or cause to be opened, the draw of such bridge for the passage of such steamboat; and on failing to open such draw immediately upon signal being given, without lawful excuse therefor, such company and agent shall forfeit to the use of the owner of such steamboat the sum of $250.00, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction; but suit for such forfeiture must be brought within 90 days after the date of the failure to open such draw.
(c) Immediately upon the draw being opened sufficiently wide for the passage of such steamboat, the person in charge of the bridge shall ring loudly and continuously a large bell until the boat has passed through the draw; and in foggy weather, and also between sunset and sunrise, the person in charge shall, as soon as the draw is opened sufficiently wide for the passage of the boat, hoist above the draw a blue light, of not less than eight inches in diameter, to an elevation sufficient to prevent the framework of the bridge from obstructing the sight of the light up and down the river, and shall keep one white light on each end of the draw; such lights to remain stationary until the boat has passed through the draw, and to be exhibited only when the draw is open for the passage of a boat; and in foggy weather, and also between sunset and sunrise when the draw is not open, there shall be exhibited on the draw, as a signal thereof, a red light so situated as to be visible up and down the river.
(Code 1876, §§1718-1720; Code 1886, §§1151-1153; Code 1896, §§3445-3447; Code 1907, §§5478-5480; Code 1923, §§9957-9959; Code 1940, T. 48, §§176-178.)