The Public Service Commission of Alabama shall formulate regulations for the safe transportation of explosives between points or places in Alabama, which shall be binding upon all common carriers and shippers and their agents. Said commission of its own motion, or upon application made by any interested party, may make changes or modifications in such regulations made desirable by new information or altered conditions. Such regulations shall be in accord with the best known practicable means for securing safety in transit covering the packing, marking, loading, handling while in transit and the precautions necessary to determine whether the material when offered is in proper condition to transport. Such regulations as well as all changes or modifications thereof shall take effect 20 days after their formulation and promulgation by said commission and shall be in effect until set aside or modified.
(Acts 1911, No. 368, p. 409; Code 1923, §5380; Code 1940, T. 48, §471.)