(a) As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Human Resources of the State of Alabama, including the state and county departments of human resources.
(2) CHILD. A child as described or defined by the Social Security Act and amendments thereto and by state law.
(3) SUPPORT. Support of a minor child and spousal support when such spousal support is incidental to child support as required by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.
(4) SUPPORT PROGRAMS. Locating absent parents, establishing paternity, establishing or modifying support orders, enforcing support orders, collecting support and related matters as described or defined by the Social Security Act and amendments thereto and by state law.
(5) ADC, AFDC, AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN, and AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN. Such terms shall have the same meaning and shall refer to the same public assistance program and may be used interchangeably to refer to the same program.
(6) AID. Such term, standing alone, shall mean the same as ADC or aid to dependent children or AFDC or aid to families with dependent children.
(7) COLLECTION AGENT. The prosecuting attorney, court clerk, court register, the Department of Human Resources, mobile accounts department or any other entity collecting Title IV-D support for the department.
(8) TITLE IV-D. Title IV-D of the Social Security Act including any amendments thereto.
(b) For the purposes of this article a prosecuting or district attorney is hereby defined as a legal entity of each county included in the judicial circuit in which he holds office.
(Acts 1979, No. 79-819, p. 1528, §3; Acts 1986, Ex. Sess., No. 86-709, p. 120, §1.)