The department shall adopt rules pursuant to the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act to implement and administer this chapter and may perform all of the following functions:
(1) Provide technical assistance and consultation upon request to public and private nonprofit agencies with respect to programs, services, and activities for elderly people.
(2) Provide assistance upon request to federal agencies, other state agencies or departments, and private organizations on studies and surveys on the special problems of the aged in such matters as mental and physical health, housing, transportation, family relationships, employment, income, vocational rehabilitation, recreation, and education; make such reports as are appropriate to the Governor and other federal and state agencies; and develop recommendations for administrative or legislative action to assist the aged.
(3) Develop and strengthen the services available for the aging in the state working upon request with existing federal, state, and local departments and agencies and private agencies and facilities.
(4) Extend and expand services for the aged through coordinating the interests and efforts of local agencies regulated by the department for the aged citizens of this state.
(5) Encourage, promote, and aid in the establishment of programs and services on the local level for the aged to more fully enjoy and participate in family and community life.
(6) Encourage the training of workers in the field of aging.
(7) Provide consultants to agencies, associations, or individuals providing services upon request supported by the department.
(8) Recommend methods of improving the effectiveness of state services for elderly citizens.
(9) Publish a description of the organization and functions of the department so that all interested agencies and individuals may receive information about, and be better able to solicit assistance from, the department.
(Act 2008-398, p. 787, §2.)