There is established a Child Care Commission composed of members who shall be culturally, economically, and geographically diverse and who shall be representative of the following: Four persons appointed by the Governor shall be qualified electors of the state and representatives of the following statewide child day care advocacy associations, FOCAL, Alabama Association of Licensed Child Care, Alliance for Alabama Child Care, and Alabama Association for Young Children; nine persons shall be owners or operators, or both, of child day care facilities as follows: A representative of the Alabama Head Start Association, a representative of the Alabama Christian Education Association, two licensed family day care home providers, two licensed for-profit small business center based day care operators, and two licensed private nonprofit community based agencies, and one licensed multi-center operator, five of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Alabama and four of whom shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Alabama; two persons, appointed by the Speaker Pro Tem of the House of Representatives, shall be parents of children who are enrolled in a religious exempt child day care program; two persons, appointed by the President Pro Tem of the Alabama Senate, shall be parents of children who are enrolled in a licensed child day care program; two representatives of child care management agencies selected by the directors of the agencies; one person appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources; and one person selected by the Alabama Association of County Directors of Human Resources. Vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority.
(Acts 1993, No. 93-263, p. 398.)