All providers who contract or subcontract with any federal, state, or local agency or program to provide services in the State of Alabama to persons with developmental disabilities or traumatic brain injury in Alabama shall develop and implement written policies and procedures to ensure the rights enumerated above are observed by the provider in discharging its contractual or subcontractual duties and responsibilities. At a minimum, these policies and procedures shall provide for the following:
(1) Affirm and safeguard the rights stated in this chapter.
(2) Provide that prompt, reasonable action be taken to prevent the potential for further abuse while an investigation is in process.
(3) Provide for a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of abuse, exploitation, or neglect by trained, experienced personnel delegated with all necessary authority.
(4) Provide that the results of all investigations shall be reported to the administrators of the program or his or her designated representative on an interim basis during the course of the investigation and within 72 hours of completion of the investigation.
(5) Establish corrective action, including education and training for a provider-affiliated individual who has been found responsible for violations of rights herein enumerated. Criminal violations shall be reported to the Office of the Attorney General, State of Alabama, or the local district attorney for consideration of further legal action.
(6) Prohibit the employment of individuals known to the provider to have a conviction of child, elder, patient, or resident abuse, exploitation, or neglect in any job involving care or services for people with developmental disabilities or traumatic brain injuries.
(7) Provide training and informational materials on rights and on the prevention of abuse, exploitation, and neglect for administrators, professionals, direct-care staff, and volunteers. Each new staff member shall demonstrate working knowledge of this information. When possible, ongoing training shall be provided.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-690, p. 1502, §5.)